Spring Entity Encryption
This library will allow you to to easily store data in encrypted format. It will store the attributes of your choice encrypted in your database and gives you the decrypted version when you need to read it.
Here’s the Loopback version of the library https://github.com/mekuanent/loopback-encryption-mixin
For maven based projects
For gradle based projects
implementation 'com.github.mekuanent:spring-hibernate-entity-encryption:1.0.0'
You can check out this url for other builds https://search.maven.org/artifact/com.github.mekuanent/spring-hibernate-entity-encryption/1.0.0/jar
Add the following annotation to import the encryption configuration class.
public class Application {
After that you need to specify your encryption key, salt,… globally. To do that you need to write the following in your application’s main method.
EncryptionHandler.set(new PBEHandler("<your password>",
"<your salt>", "<your IV>", <iteration>,
<derived key length (optional with default 256)>));
Next, put @Encrypted
annotation on all fields of the entities you want to be encrypted when stored.
private String title;
That’s it, you’re all set.
Custom Encryption Algorithm
If you don’t want to use the default encryption scheme. you can define your own by creating an @Component
annotated class implementing IEncryptionHandler
public class CustomEncryptionHandler implements IEncryptionHandler {
public String encrypt(String raw) {}
public String decrypt(String cipherText) {}
There are two ways of setting your custom encryption handler,
setting handler Globally
you can set it up in the main method of your application.
EncryptionHandler.set(new CustomEncryptionHandler("<your password>",
"<your salt>", "<your IV>", <iteration>,
<derived key length (optional with default 256)>));
setting handlers for every field
In this case, your custom encryption handler is required to have an empty constructor.
You can set your handler to the field of your choice by just including it as a handler parameter
@Encrypted(handler = CustomEncryptionHandler.class)
private String description;
you can checkout the complete sample application here: https://github.com/mekuanent/SpringEntityEncryptionLibExample
Spring Hibernate Entity Encryption is released under the terms of the Apache Software License Version 2.0 (see license.txt).